We have convenient locations throughout the United States.

RushMyTravelVisa.com Online Customer Service is available 5 days a week (Monday through Friday) while our regional locations offer limited in person services by appointment only from 10am – 5pm, Monday through Friday, excluding government holidays.

Contact us:

Toll Free (866) 241-8520

Fax (866) 527-1772

Corporate Offices

West Palm Beach
222 Clematis Street
Suite 207
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
(561) 463-3284

Processing Center

Washington, DC
919 18th St NW
Suite 230
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 643-7947

Regional Offices

Atlanta, GA
1372 Peachtree St. NE
Suite 219
Atlanta, GA 30309
(770) 709-3268
New York, NY
60 East 42nd St.
Suite 512
New York, NY 10165
(646) 600-8274
Chicago, IL
401 N. Michigan Avenue
Suite 1620
Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 756-0587
Philadelphia, PA
1341 N. Delaware Avenue
Suite 303
Philadelphia, PA 19125
(215) 600-4873
Houston, TX
2425 West Loop South
Suite 310
Houston, TX 77027
(713) 487-8909
San Francisco, CA
100 Bush Street
Suite 1650
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 367-3150
Los Angeles, CA
9465 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 3093
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 896-8950
Miami, FL
201 South Biscayne Blvd
Suite 2814
Miami, FL 33131
(305) 834-4579
West Palm Beach, FL
1951 North Military Trail
Suite D
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
(561) 463-3284