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Posts Tagged ‘Mauritania’

Mauritanian Visa Requirements to See the Eye of the Sahara

February 27th, 2011
Can you imagine how surprised the first astronauts to orbit the earth must have been when they saw an enormous blue eye staring back at the from the Sahara Desert? The "eye" was actually a landform called the Richat Structure, otherwise known as the Eye of the Sahara. With a diameter of approximately 31 miles, it was originally thought to be the landing site of an ancient meteorite. However, scientists have since concluded that it's actually a natural geological feature called a "symmetrical uplift." (h/t Environmental Graffiti) Unfortunately, visiting the Eye of the Sahara is a little complicated. First, you'll need a Mauritanian visa. Plan ahead: the US Department of State advises that "Mauritanian visas require an invitation or sponsor, can take up to several months to process, and mu


Mauritanian Tourist Visa Requirements for Banc d’Arguin National Park

January 10th, 2010
This week's UNESCO World Heritage Site of the week is located in the African desert, in the country of Mauritania. Banc d'Arguin National Park lies along the west coast of  the country. The area is remote, and travelers should read the State Department's Country-Specific Information page on Mauritania to make sure that they are taking the proper precautions. However, the park is a paradise for birdwatchers. Located where the desert meets the ocean, Banc d'Arguin National Park shelters a wide variety of birds through the winter, and serves as breeding grounds and nursery for 25,000 and 40,000 pairs of birds representing 15 different species. Birds that either winter in or nest in the park include flamingos, several species of terns, white pelicans,  plovers, herons and spoonbills.